22 Jan 2009


So, you've decided to become a tomboy, or maybe you already are one. However, you have friends that are more the "girly-girl" type. This doesn't have to mean the end of your friendship - despite contrary belief, tomboys and girly-girls can get along just fine.


  1. Accept your differences. Sure, she may prefer manicures to muddy football, and that's O.K. Find something you all (both) like to do, like hang out by the beach or play at the arcade.
  2. Don't seriously tease her. All friends tease each other every once and a while, but don't tease your friend too seriously. Nobody likes a mean friend.
  3. Keep your opinions to yourself. Going around telling everyone who will listen how much you despise girly girls is definitely a bad idea, even if you consider your friend an exception.
  4. Don't force yourself on her, and speak up if you think she's forcing herself on you. This is how friendships can end, and you'll get on each others' nerves.
  5. Find common interests. Even if she doesn't like sports, and you don't like shopping, you probably have other things in common - or else you wouldn't have become friends in the first place.
  6. Stay friends! You may be less girly than some girls, but you still have the same great qualities that your friend loved before. So have fun, and laugh!
  7. Try new things together that you'll both enjoy, and have a special activity that bonds you together. You might find something you really like.


  • Don't dwell too much on your differences. If all you can think about when you're with her is how pink her clothes are compared to your torn jeans and t-shirt, your friendship may eventually deteriorate with that kind of thinking.
  • Watch what you talk about. It's common for tomboys to forget that their more feminine friends don't like to hear about video games, nasty sports accidents, or whatever other "gross" (in her mind) interests you might have. Let her know, tactfully, if her talk of boys, makeup, and shopping is starting to get to you, too.


  • School can be a cruel place, and her friends may turn her against you. If that happens, try talking it out with her, or just go with it if all else fails. If she can't be loyal to you, you don't need to be friends.

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