22 Jan 2009


f you're a girl who'd rather keep it simple than dress to impress, follow these steps and end up looking like just one of the guys.


  1. Wear shoes. Starting from the bottom, wear tennis shoes or sneakers -- DC, Converse, Etnies,and Vans are the best way to go.
  2. Wear jeans and shirts with little sarcastic sayings on it. And if you want to wear shorts, go with boy shorts! (The shorts that go to the knees but are made for girls.)And you could NEVER go wrong with hoodies!
  3. Some good accessories are hats that are a little but not too big and watches that have a wide cloth strap.


  • Tomboys aren't just about their clothes, its their personality too! Play video games, sports, stand up for yourself, etc.
  • Avoid little girly girl dresses!
  • Do not be afraid to shop in the boys department, there is a lot of cool stuff in there!

Things you might or will need

  • Boyish Clothes
  • Friends to hang out with

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